Tenants and Occupants Affected by Domestic Violence Presentation – November 2019

On 11 November 2019 we delivered a presentation to workers of community and government organisations at the Mackay Women’s Service about assisting tenants and occupants affected by domestic violence. The below powerpoint slides provide general information about options a person experiencing domestic violence should consider in relation to their rental accommodation. For example, it includes information on how to terminate the lease, be replaced as a tenant, or to become the sole tenant on the lease.

Advice should be obtained before acting on the information contained in this presentation as there may be other factors that should be taken into account. Further information about tenancy matters can be found on QSTARS website at https://qstars.org.au/.

Please note that laws change from time to time and there is currently a review of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act (2008).

Tenants Affected by Domestic Violence 2019

Posted in Latest News and Publications.