Annual Report 2023

Our Annual Report 2023 summarises the work we have undertaken this past financial year.

Snapshot from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023:


  • 1,122 clients (legal advice and/or ongoing assistance)
  • 81% of clients earn less than $52,000
  • 69% of clients are female
  • 35% of clients are over 50
  • 31% (350) have a disability and/or a mental illness
  • 11% (125) clients identify as First Nations


  • 1,658 legal advices
  • 108 legal tasks
  • 186 domestic and family violence duty lawyer services at the Mackay Magistrates Court
  • 43 ongoing casework matters


Youpla Group Funeral Benefits Program

The Youpla Group, also called the Aboriginal Community Benefit Fund, collapsed earlier this year.

The Australian Government has started the Youpla Group Funeral Benefits Program to help the families of fund members affected by the collapse. This will help the families of fund members’ conduct Sorry Business with dignity. Information about this program can be found here:  The information below is from the Australian Government’s website.


The Program will pay a funeral benefit for a person who has passed away that was a Youpla Group fund member on or after 1 April 2020. If the member’s funeral was already paid for, you can still make an application.

The Program will pay the cover limit of the member’s Youpla Group policy.

This Program is not a compensation scheme. The Program will only pay a funeral benefit for a member who has passed away.

If you are not the person named as the payee on the Youpla Group or Aboriginal Community Benefit Fund policy, but need to make an application, we will contact you to help us to work out if you should be the person paid by the program.

Make an application

You can make an application if you have a loved one who has passed away who had a Youpla funeral expenses policy on or after 1 April 2020.

You can make an application up to 30 November 2023.

The Australian Government will pay an amount up to the cover limit in the fund member’s policy.

Annual Report 2022

Our Annual Report summarises the work we have undertaken this past financial year.

Snapshot from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022:


  • 1,154 clients (legal advice and/or ongoing assistance)
  • 81.3% of clients earn less than $52,000
  • 69.3% of clients are female
  • 35% of clients over 50
  • 28% (321) have a disability and/or mental illness
  • 10.9% (126) of clients identify as First Nations


  • 1,590 legal advices
  • 121 legal tasks
  • 160 domestic and family violence duty lawyer services at the Mackay Magistrates Court
  • 35 ongoing casework matters

RAP Launch and AGM 2022

We had a very successful Reconciliation Action Plan Launch followed by our AGM on 4 November 2022. Thank you everyone for attending and a big welcome to our incoming management committee.
A particular thank you to Aunty Veronica for her Welcome to Country and Mulum Stone, a member of our RAP Working Group, who both attended our RAP Launch. We will endeavour to put the plan into action and be accountable to our community. Our Reflect RAP can be found on Reconciliation Australia’s website here.

Tenancy Rights and Responsibilities in Queensland – April 2021

This is a powerpoint presentation delivered by a solicitor on Queensland residential tenancy law. It provides information about the law on starting a tenancy, rights and obligations during a tenancy and how a tenancy can be ended. It also includes information about the temporary arrangements due to COVID and domestic violence. Please click here to view the presentation.